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Birds eye view of the landscape design in Calabash Charter Academy


A park like Calabash Charter Academy becomes a model for early education campus where it used to have over 3-acres of AC paving without proper shades.  Upon the first site visit, HKLA recognized tremendous issues with heat distribution and lack of shade throughout the outdoor space, not conducive to physical education. Using landscape architecture as the medium, HKLA aimed to create a safe, comfortable, and memorable educational sanctuary for students.


The landscape design uses the book, “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” by Michael Rosen as the basis of storytelling to integrate shade and heat control elements for outdoor spaces. The paving design is artistically coordinated with the story to organize the recreational space while creating an opportunity for students to learn about several climate change environmental issues found in California.

Woodland Hills, CA

Completed 2021

Education, K-12

Los Angeles Unified School District,

TSK Architects

davisREED, KPFF, P2S



Project Type:




Floor designs and patters of the playground at Calabash Charter Academy
Birds eye view of the equipment in Calabash Charter Academy
Diagram of the process of design for Calabash Charter Academy
Row of trees exhibited at Calabash Charter Academy
Greenery planted to enhance the natural landscape of Calabash Charter Academy
Brochure with information about Calabash Charter Academy
Infographic that shows the history of the design behind Calabash Charter Academy
Infographic that shows the general design of Calabash Charter Academy
General view of floor designs and surrounding tree area in Calabash Charter Academy
A perspective with general view of Calabash Charter Academy blending with its surroundings

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